Category Archives for Blog

Best Winter Gloves for Electric Scooter

7 Best Winter Gloves for Electric Scooter Riders

These are our picks for the best winter gloves for electric scooter, with our best choices in different categories, including most elegant and best heated, along with best overall.

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How to prevent people from stealing your electric scooter tips

Find out How to Prevent People from Stealing Your Electric Scooter

We’re going to dive into how to prevent people from stealing your electric scooter. We’ll look at different styles of locks and tips and tricks to prevent your scooter from being stolen. 

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Best Razor electric scooters

Top 11 Razor Electric Scooters on the Market

If you’re looking for an affordable e-scooter for yourself or your child, this list of the best razor electric scooters will be extremely helpful.

I made a list of the best models that you can find on the market. 

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How much to spend on electric scooter

Big Question: How Much to Spend on an Electric Scooter?

To be frank, it all comes down to you, the rider — your needs, budget, and the skill level you possess.

We know this might sound like putting all the weight on your back. But, don't worry, we will break this down into three groups to help you out.

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Kaabo Mantis 8 electric scooter test

Is Kaabo Mantis 8 Best E-scooter under $1200?

Picking the best electric scooter under $1200 is really not an easy task.

You may find so many amazing e-scooters in this range, such as a well-balanced model fit for the majority of people, or some special scooters designed for your specialized need. 

However, after experiencing Kaabo Mantis 8, I finally found my answer Mantis 8 can meet almost all your requirements for electric scooters with only 1000 dollar.

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